I sit beside you in silence, grateful for your company. From the first moment I saw you, I knew that you were something special. You understood me like no-one else would. You comforted me when no-one else could. Throughout my years, you were my only true friend.
I’m sorry for the way I treated you back in the day. I realise now that it was unfair of me and no amount of regret can express my grief for all those times I wasted without you. I cant even say I enjoyed your absence because it only ever counted against me. So often my Lord would bring you back into my life, but time and again I would ignore you and avert my attention to one more upbeat and cool.
Do you remember the day I promised to be your true friend? To love and protect you despite what others may say. I was ten years old at the time. I loved you so dearly and would rush to spend every free moment with your innate beauty. But alas, a few months later I abandoned you and would only ever think of you every once in a while. I realise now that that was wrong of me. To have neglected you and only called upon you when I was in way over my head. And like a true friend, you bailed me out every single time. I knew I could always rely on you when the going got tough. You taught me how to love and respect others as I’d want them to love and respect me. You reminded me of ways of attaining closeness to my Lord that I would only ever have dreamt of. You brought me such joy that I wished to be encompassed in that bubble of happiness for eternity and beyond. But peer pressure got the better of me and I became engrossed in other more menial things. Then this dude Satan came along, and he’d accompany us all wherever we went. When I think of all the things we could have avoided I feel sick to my stomach. Please dont mistake me, my friends were amazing souls. But somewhere along the line, we were all stained by the cataclysmic results of Satan’s whisperings.We were in so deep, that we couldn’t even recognise the errors of our ways. I sit here recalling moments of utter discomfort as we tread through the shopping malls, eyeing this and buying that. I felt my soul plea with me to turn away, to leave this life and return to my Lord, but my inner self was just too weak to obey. But worst of all was the knowledge that I recognised a wrong, and lifted not a finger to make it right. And that was of the most important things that you taught me. Do you remember?
I know that I have NO the right to call myself YOUR friend, but if you give me one last chance I WILL TRY! I will prove to you that I AM worthy of your friendship. PLEASE, I can’t afford to lose you again. You are my link to my Lord. You are the only one who will follow me into my grave and into the Hereafter. Please my most Noble Qurán. Please enter into my heart and never let me go!
Ameen, thumma ameen!