We ran out of wound care last week. Ran out as in ran out. No Mepilex, No Mepitel, no Urgotul. Nothing. And the hospital didn’t have anything for us either.
This past two weeks were intense wound care wise. I was expecting a parcel of wound care to arrive from someone but that didn’t pan out. Having run out of everything we’ve ever used (including the ones we use as a last resort), my brain went into ‘operation desperately need to make a plan mode’.
So I made a plan, and the plan backfired, leaving us with at least 15 more blisters than what we started out with. That’s big time regression just a few days before we were expected back at hospital for follow up iron infusions.
With my ‘desperate to try anything’ idea having backfired, I started thinking a little more lucidly than before and made a plan to start using Vaseline gauze… or anything of a similar nature. Though not as bad as our ‘in desperation’ alternative, this one was still causing her skin to peel from her body though in smaller quantities, thus retarding the overall wound healing.
Using these products had made me even more aware of how fragile my daughter’s skin is and had reminded me why we cannot become complacent in working towards promoting skin healing and being a voice for all those living with this condition.
Having been without proper skincare for about two weeks now, I was excited when our order finally arrived. Watching me rushing to open my supplies, my sister looks at me and says “You know you’re in a different league when you get excited for bandages”. And though they aren’t bandages in essence, I completely get what she means.
Seeing those 12 sheets of Mepilex made my heart sing. Mepilex to me, is like what water is to Cape Town at the moment… A major blessing.
And because we were without, I now appreciate the little that we have so much more.