“Mommy, is it a blister?” She asks as I gently nudge at her skin. “No my baby”, I reply. “I’m just putting your skin back in place”.
It’s odd how commonplace this exchange of words has become. It’s just one of life’s things for us.
But it’s also saddening, because we cannot provide her with the wound care she needs to lessen the blistering and skin shearing, at least not in the quantities she requires.
We’d managed to buy some Mepilex Transfer a while ago, and that had done well for her skin. Then I started wondering if this transfer / foam dressings business wasn’t all in my head. I mean, is it really that I needed those dressings or did I want her to need them?
Then sometime last week I was in a rush and couldn’t find the Transfer so I used Mepitel on her entire body instead. The skin shearing I witnessed two days later assured me that it wasn’t all in my head. I reverted back to transfer after that, but now the transfer has run out, and we’re back to using Mepitel for a bit.
On the one hand, I’m grateful this happened, because it gives me peace of mind that we are not wasting the monetary giftsggifts or way. But at the same time, it’s disheartening seeing a larger wound area knowing that it could have been prevented had we had enough of the wound care we require. And the knowledge that a major layout in the beginning and a lot of extra effort, could result in smaller, less chronic wounds is excitinge but also somewhat daunting, because we’d need a lot of financial assistance for a few months before seeing the desired improvement. But it also encourages me to work towards it because the end result is worth pushing through for bi-ithnillah.
And then there are those whose skin cannot tolerate the Mepilex we use and they do just fine with Mepitel or Vaseline gauze. No two people’s skin are the same, and so the same ‘remedy’ won’t work for everyone.
And isn’t it the same with life as well, whether it be in action or faith. We have to put in a great deal of effort and endure some discomfort in the initial stages, and push through, in order to reap the rewards thereof at a later stage. And just like Mepitel, Mepilex and Vaseline gauze doesn’t work for everyone, so too the same method, motivation and amount of effort put in won’t work for everyone.
Allah has created us each unique, and had tailormade each of our challenges to suit our uniqueness.
And though our challenge can sometimes be heartbreaking, I’m grateful for all that its taught me about myself, about life, but especially all that it’s taught me about my Lord.

Beautiful mashallah
Masha-Allah. TabaarakAllah. Keep our butterfly in your Du’as insha-Allah.