She found her Madinah in a most beautiful way. There was no flirting, no courting, no could-haves & should haves. There was just him and her and the sunnah of Rasoolullah S.A.W. I saw the wistful look in your eyes and she tied the knot, knowing that you longed for what she had just received. I know, because I felt it to.
Fear not my sister! One day, your Madinah will arrive, on a white horse, wearing a turban & beard and he will love & cherish you purely for Allah’s sake. He’s out there… Somewhere. All that we require is a little patience Insha-Allah. I heard a beautiful saying once…I think you heard it too.
Aunty Khadija Allie always says whenever people ask her daughter why she isn’t married yet, she responds by saying “Allah is still moulding him (my husband) for me.” SubhaanAllah! So often we fret about the man we’ll marry and forget about the One for Whom we’ll marry. How often do we INSIST that he be a Muhammad, but we forget to be a striving Khadeejah?
Just like Allah moulded her beloved for her, so too Allah is moulding your Madinah so that when you meet…you will both be ready to fulfill the sunnah of Rasoolullah together with the common goal of pleasing Allah. And your Madinah will take you to visit the Holy Lands over & over again where you will call unto Allah saying “I am here, Allah, I am here!” Then you will visit your prophet and cry at his grave and when you stand saying salawaat upon him, you will envision the angel taking that salawaat from your lips to the ruh of Rasoolullah S.A.W…&you will feel his response & cry out of pure joy. Then you will visit Palestine & bring hope to the people of the land, helping them in every way you can.
This dream awaits you. It’s one that, Insha-Allah, will be fulfilled. ALLAH will make it possible.
When the time is right your Madinah will come and in him you’ll see the sunnah of Rasoolullah. He will love and respect you and your parents because he knows it’s an injunction placed on him by Allah. When you both are ready, Allah will facilitate for you your matters, so that TOGETHER you will tread the path to Jannah. Rest assured, my beloved sister, that your Madinah is out there, waiting for you. Waiting for the day that he will find you & escort you to the Holy Lands. He is out there… All you two are waiting for… Is the “go ahead” from Allah…
May Allah ease your burdens and grant you a spouse that’ll be the coolness of your eyes. May you be to each other that guiding light and gentle reminders of Allah and His messenger. May you both constantly strive to be the best muslims* that you can be, so that you may be excellent role models to your offspring.
May Allah S.W.T grant you long life in His obedience and an ending that is MOST PLEASING TO HIM. Ameen, thumma ameen.