Dunya distraction – a reminder benefits a believer

We’re so distracted by this dunya that it shows in the way we live. This life is a lesson, gifted to us by Allah, Most High.
Have you ever been to a shopping mall with a goal in mind? Telling yourself “I’m going to this shop, to buy this item & come right back out. No window shopping. No pitstops.” You don’t have time to waste. Your mind so focused, your gait determinedly heading towards that ultimate goal. Your vision, your goal, your determination; blinds you to the glitteratti of the malls, sprinkled with items that entice and adorn.

Now take this same mall on a different day. You stroll along, excited by the prospect of finding that “special something”, whatever it may be. You stop at every shop, admiring all its adornments, searching for the slightest excuse to lose yourself in the pleasures it may bring. You become so engrossed in its pleasures that you’re oblivious to time itself. In your mind, only a few minutes have passed, when in reality, hours have gone by & you didn’t even notice. Ten minutes before closing time, you wake up from your slumber. So you hurry, running to and fro, hoping to purchase your necessities before the doors are closed. 8 minutes left, oh no where’s the trolley? How can this be happening? 7 minutes! Ok the shopping basket will have to do. Groceries, groceries… Where to find the bare essentials? Isle number 3. Alhamdulillah! 2 minutes- oh no, the doors are closing, the attendants are signalling at you to hasten with your shopping. Closing time- alhamdulillah you just made it! The doors have closed and the attendants have left. & you can finally make your way to your car. Now where are the car keys? Searching frantically in the shopping bag, the keys are nowhere to be found. You search your handbag- nothing there either. Then you remember… You placed your keys on the counter before paying for the goods. You must’ve forgotten it there & now you cannot return, for the shop attendants had already left. Plan B, you’ll call your locksmith, he’ll have a spare key.

Mr. Locksmith comes to your rescue, alhamdulillah, and you’re eternally grateful. On your way home, you envision the huge feast you’ll have for supper,whilst relaxing on the sofa after a “long day”.

Now imagine your disappointment when you arrive home to find that you’d purchased the wrong provisions. In your haste, you didn’t even look at what you grabbed. All that money, wasted! And it benefited you nought.

Like-wise,in life there are two types of people. 1-Those who live their lives with a goal in mind- Jannah (Paradise)! Their eyes set on it, their hearts yearn for it, their every step… Striving for their ultimate goal. The glitterati of this world runs after them… Yet they do not succumb to it. They’re so firm in their belief, so determined to attain their blessed abode that just by looking at them or hearing their stories your heart knows… THEY are Jannatees (Insha-Allah).

2- a group of people so focussed on the dunya that it consumes their entire being. A people whose striving is only to acquire some worldly gain. And their gains benefit them nought, due to their greed. The more they have… The more they want. They are never satisfied!
Their lives are so filled with dunya, that they forget their Allah.

You & I don’t know where we’ll end up. It could well be the opposite. Someone lives their entire life on haqq(truth) & at the end of his life… he goes astray.. **May Allah save us**
Or he could well be of those who live a life of disbelief/sin only to die upon haqq.

We don’t know where we’ll end up. We could be of those walking upon the straight path, only to detour at the end of our lives. We could be of those who spend their entire lives on the wrong, only to find Islam later on. We could even be of those walking the wrong path all our lives, dying in that state. Or we could be among those whom Allah guides throughout their lives, so that we live & die as Muslims.

Rasoolullah (The Messenger of Allah) May Peace and blessings be upon him, said:

يُبْعَثُ كُلُّ عَبْدٍ عَلَى مَا مَاتَ عَلَيْهِ
“Every slave (ie. human being) will be raised upon the condition in which he was died” [-Authenticated by Muslim]

So what will it be??
*** the ball is now in your court ***

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