Looking down at your face as you peacefully sleep in my arms, I cannot help but marvel at the creation of my Rabb. How perfectly He fashioned you my little one. I notice my scarf on your wound, so I gently move it away so that it doesn’t get stuck on you.
Too late.
Problem-solving brain kicks into gear. How can we remove this scarf from this wound without causing further damage? Cotton wool and water? Could work, but will you remain still for long enough whilst I wait for someone to bring your water? Gently pull it off? Could work, but then I’d need to work smart fast so that you don’t pull away and pull skin off with it.
Why did I wear this scarf? We had this same incident with a similar material scarf the other day. Didn’t you learn from that momma? But this was the only matching scarf you could find. Breathe momma. Mistakes happen. Focus on the now.
After a few anxious moments of gently prying my scarf free from your wound, I sit back and allow my body to slowly shift back into equilibrium.
This scarf must go. The other one too. This material isn’t ideal for your wounds. Yes, they’re nice and soft, but they stick faster and more than my other scarves do, so to save us both the trouble in future, these scarves have to go.
I was more cautious with my scarf after that, but then a few hours later, his sweater was stuck to a different wound. I’d forgotten to close up the wound, thought it had dried up enough so that I could leave it open for a bit and monitor if it needed covering or not. It did, but I didn’t see it until it was too late.
Oh Allah, just like these wounds that constantly need to be monitored, cleaned, and attended to, allow us to monitor, clean, and attend to the diseases of our heart. Help us identify things that could potentially harm us, and grant us the ability and mindfulness to use it only in a way that will benefit us. Help us to see the things that are causing us harm and grant us the ability to discard of it.
Yaa Rabbi, grant us to always see the blessings in the trials You gift us, so that we may be grateful to You, even in the face of adversity.
آمين يا رب العالمين

Love reading these little insights into your life. Shukran for sharing ❤
Allah accept and make it a means of benefit.