A pensieve like Dumbledore’s

It’s been a while since I posted anything EB or grief related, though I have thoughts running through my mind All. The. Time.

Oh what I wouldn’t give to have a pensieve like Dumbledore’s. Where I could simply extract and deposit my memories and thoughts here for you to read. Or have some kind of device read my thoughts and type them up for me, because there just never seems to be an opportunity to write anything down unless I steal of my sleep as I’m doing right now. And yet, there’s so much to share.

Like how unreal it can feel that you have a child that’s no more when life just seems to have ‘gone on’ as if she never existed in the first place.

Or how there are days you remember her with a smile, others with an ugly cry, and some days you don’t think of her at all.

How unreal that hospital used to feel like home, and the doctors (well,some of them at least) used to feel like family.

And how a beautiful memory of your child can be quite simply make your day.

I guess this post is more of a brain dump to get the writing juices flowing again, because there’s healing in writing.

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