Will you remember me my child, when you stand at heavens gates? Will you remember to tell your Lord that you will not enter its gates without me? Will you remember what we look like, your father and I? How will you recognize us after such a long time apart?
My child, what’s it like in Jannah? Do you get to see the things we do here on earth? Do you like playing with the kids you’re surrounded by? What’s it like to be able to just play without having to worry about wounds and pain, bandages and fragile skin?
My beloved Jannati, what’s Nabi Ibrahim like? Can you describe him to me?Is he like a father to you in your heavenly abode?Do you have everything you’ve longed for in this world? Is it as you wished or is it better?
Your sister asks about you, wanting to know if she can hug you tightly in Jannah, or if she has to be gentle with you like she was on this earth. She looks forward to playing with you once again, and gives charity in your name and that of all other deceased.
And the little sister you haven’t met, she knows about you too. She calls your name, and knows she will meet you one day in Jannah.
My beloved child, your memory is woven into our daily lives. Everywhere we look, we are reminded of you. There are days when we miss you terribly, and other days when it’s not so hard getting by without you. But that doesn’t mean we forget. Oh no dear child. We do not forget. We remember.
We remember your smile and the way you would laugh. We remember your excitement, and your determination to live life. We remember your silent courage and the willpower and purpose you taught us. My beautiful child, we remember you.
You live on in our prayers little girl, in our charity and in our deeds. You live on in our hearts and we are comforted by the promise of Nabi Muhammad (S.A.W) that we will be reunited once more at the gates of Jannah.
My little girl, we look forward to this day when you will refuse to enter Jannah without us, the day that we will enter our heavenly abode, hand in hand, reunited once more for all of eternity. Ameen.

I can’t read this with a dry eye.. However, picturing her at Jannah’s gates bring so much solace and puts a smile on the face with tears rolling down the cheeks… Is that like an oxymoron.. Of emotions 😭🤗
Even writing this was bitter sweet alhamdulillah ‘alaa kulli haal..
She enjoyed your company SHaf 💕
May you enjoy many more sittings with her in Jannah.
Ameen Ya Rabbi. Lighten the burden of this pain for Amatullahs loved ones. And reunite them with her in the Highest Abode ameen. I too think about her often, Tues mornings at 9am…she taught so much.. about pain…and making effort even when it seems pointless… May Allah Ta’ala hold you closest till that Day when He answers your plea to admit them to His Jannatul Fierdouz A’la ameen
There’s so much I want to say to this, but all I can do is smile. coz I get it,even ifIcan’r express.
May Allah reunite her with everyone who loved her. Ameen.
Ameen. May your remaining time on earth be eased towards a beautiful, eternal reunion in Jannah.
Ameen thumma ameen.